Diary · Renungan · Weekly Photo Challenge

Open Door

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Door.”

Gedong Ledoksari, padepokan di Taman Sari, Jogjakarta yang berarsitektur Cina.
Gedong Ledoksari, padepokan di Taman Sari, Jogjakarta yang berarsitektur Cina.

“When one door closes, another opens. But, we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us. ” – Alexander Graham Bell

There were few moments in my life when I encountered rejections, from people that I called ‘friends’ or someone who were important to me once. When it happened, I feel rejected, betrayed. I was so angry till I did and said things that I regret now. At that moment, I didn’t see anything that happens to me actually to give me better directions, to meet better people. I met someone that becomes my best friend now because at that time, we experienced almost the same thing. That mutual feelings get us closed. Can you imagine if it didn’t happen, I probably never deserve a friend like her?

Now, I only can say that anything bad that happens to us is a test. If you past it, you’ll get the reward, you’ll become a better person. Be patient and have faith. :)

5 tanggapan untuk “Open Door

  1. In other words, there is always a silver lining in every cloud. Ah, what a nice contemplation. It reminds me too, for not regretting something too long, because the storm shall pass, too :)).

    1. Hahaha… sempat gagal move on kah? Gak pa-pa, Win. Tenang aja. Di balik mantan yg menyakiti, ada yg lebih baik yg menanti. #eaaa :D

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